Discuss 10 Notorious Cyber Gangs

I would have given this article five stars had I been able to read it. The next page...

I can't imagine a worse way to communicate information than this article (and the...

A really screwed up site. I'll wait to read the story in the hard copy if they...

The article was interesting, although not really all that informative. It would...

The "Back", "Pause" and "Next" radio dials are on the upper right hand of the full...

OMG... Has journalism gotten so bad that it reduces everything to snippets? If you...

Yes, the controls SHOULD be UNDER the article, not buried beneath an advertisement...

Everyone knows how bad this presentation format is. What's more annoying is to have...

Consider me unsubscribed. Not only was this a pathetic presentation with an awful...

Baseline has historically provided interesting information such as this in a more...

I think the subject is interesting, but the slideshow was annoying, and it doesn't...

I am not sure if this type of vision zigzaging is the latest technique of marketing...

Superficial coverage - what is the point of doing such a presentation? Are you just...

I would like to have seen more in-depth coverage with some specific examples of what...

In response to unfortunate viewing for some readers, Baseline has slowed this slide...

Why is this story so badly formatted and the website so 'noisy' and badly...

The way i have come to understand it, teh IT magazine publishers over the last year...

Paused long enough to add this to the roar.

Yes, me too but the slides moved off before I had read them. This is worse than...

Sometimes for our research database, we grab snippets and it would help to have the...

Poorly done.

I would much rather read article in pure text form. Jazz it up with graphics if you...

I apparently viewed the "slowed" version. I'm a fast reader, but it's still to...

Fast or Slow--It doesn't matter to me, because I do not like this method of...

This topic is so important we need to understand all aspects of it and this method...

Do this in Internet Explorer (works on all websites) : When slides are advancing or...

You'll LOVE this workaround !! Do this in Internet Explorer (works on all...

Subject was interesting, very interesting, but the presentation method is extremely...

slide shows are terrible. Why do they persist?

Very interesting and presented in a very irritating manner. This subject is not...

Dang but it's most annoying to get almost all the way through reading the...

What the hell?

If you would just allow the repainting you'd have nothing to complain about. Did it...

Why is it that every one of these annoying slide shows has to be followed with...

Cool stuff, I did not know this stuff even existed. Great job Baseline. Please...

This provides some solid intel about cyber criminals operating around the world. ...

You missed gangs like Yambo Financials.

It would have been nice to have a little more detail to enable email...


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